Under Graduate Program
- Gross Anatomy
- Regional Anatomy
- Clinical Anatomy
- Radiological Anatomy
- Applied Anatomy
- Dissection of whole human body
- Dissection of whole human body
- Histology
- Embryology
- Genetics
- Systematic & Experimental Physiology
- Principles of Bio-physics
- Growth & Development
- Nutrition & Dietetics
- Environmental Physiology
- Applied & Clinical Human Physiology
- Bio-chemistry
- Evolution and Relation of Homoeopathic Pharmacy to Organon.
- MateriaMedica and National Ecology.
- Drug Proving and Dynamization
- Pharmacognocy
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacopeia
- Legislation
- Study of Drug Substances
- Posology
- Vehicles
- Pharmacological action of Polycrest Medicine
- Fundamentals of Materia Medica
- Nature & Scope of Materia Medica
- Sources of Materia Medica
- Different ways of studying Materia Medica
- Symptomatology
- Study of Drugs from Source Book
- Acute, Chronic, Constitutional & Tissue Remedies
- Group studies of Remedies
Portraits of Remedies
- Fundamentals of Homoeopathic Sciences
- Pioneers of Homoeopathy
- Logic
- History of Medicine
- Organon of Homoeopathy
- Introduction, Theory, Practical and Practical Aspects of Philosophy
- Lectures on Doctrinal part
- General & Systematic Pathology
- Oncology
- Bacteriology
- General & Systemic Virology
- General Microbiology
- Protozoology & Helminthology
- Clinical Pathology
- Cytology, Histopathology
- Legal Procedures
- Medical Ethics
- Forensic Medicine
- Medico Legal Documentation
- Postmortem
- Toxicology
- Orientation on General and Systemic Clinical Examination
- Children diseases
- Psychiatric diseases
- Skin diseases
- Applied Interpretation of Investigations.
- Emergency procedures
- Infectious Disorders
- Nutritional Disorders
- Diseases of Respiratory System
- Hepato Biliary Disorders
- Musculo-Skeletal Disorders
- Cardiovascular Disorders
- Renal Disorders
- Endocrine Disorders
- CNS Disorders
- Homoeopathic Therapeutics
- Infant hygiene including Diseases of New Born
- Ante-natal Care & Normal Labor
- Abnormal Pregnancy & Assisted Labor
- Post-Natal Care
- Instruments & Appliances
- Interpretation of Investigation
- Homoeopathic Therapeutics
- General Surgery
- Systemic Surgery
- Orthopedics
- Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
- Ophthalmology
- Dentistry
- Instruments & Appliances
- Interpretation of investigation data
- Pathological Specimens
- Radiological diagnosis
- Homoeopathic Therapeutics
- Environmental Sanitation
- Medical Statistics
- Maternal & Child health
- School health services
- Family Welfare & Public Health Administration
- Natural resources
- Ecosystems
- Biodiversity and its Conservations
- Environmental Health
- Solid Waste Management
- Disaster Management & Health
- Social Medicine & Environment
- Human Population & Environment
- Principles of Repertory
- History of Repertory
- Types of Repertory
- Scope & Limitations
- General Repertories – Kent
- BogerBonninghausen’s Characteristics
- Therapeutic Pocket Book
- Clinical Repertories
- Card Repertories
- Electronic Repertory